Sunday 15 July 2012

Get to know me tag!

Now I've started writing posts I can't seem to stop myself so I thought a good place to start was a get to know me tag because as of yet nothing on my blog really portrays any facts about me.

I was reading through a few of Meg's old posts as I really love her blog and I stumbled upon these questions, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Vital Stats:

Name:             Alice Louise Fletcher
Nicknames:     Al or Ally, I usually just get called Alice
Birthday:          5 th October
Place of Birth:  Chesterfield
Zodiac Sign:     Libra
Occupation:     Un-employed. (part time education)


Hair colour:     Browny red
Hair Length:    Just at the chest area, I wear extensions just to lengthen a little (grow please!)
Eye colour:     Grey Blue/ sometimes with a bit of green
Best Feature:   I don't know if this is face but if it was I'd have to say something like eyelashes but if It was
body I quite like my collar bones.
Braces:           When I was about 11 or less
Piercings:         Just my ears
Tattoos:           Too young at the moment
Righty or lefty:  Righty


Best friend:     Amelia
Award:          An award for creative writing in Year three
Sport:             I'm not sporty at all, but netball and badminton are alright!
Real Holiday: Good old Benidorm in Year two! (haven't as of yet had a real holiday on my own)
Concert:         Paramore


Film:             Can't actually say that I have a favourite film which is a shame
Tv Show:      I like snog marry avoid and my guilty pleasure is big brother but I don't really watch much tv
Colour:         Light pastel pink
Song:            Empty Hand by Eliza Doolittle
Restaurant:    I don't actually go to restaurants!
Store:            Zara, every time
Book:           Wuthering Heights
Magazine:     Marie Claire
Shoes:          My black wedges from Next oh my god


Feeling:               Full
Single or taken:   Single
Eating:                Just ate a sunday roast!
Listening to:        Our day will come- Amy Winehouse
Thinking about:   How much I'm enjoying writing on my blog
Watching:           This makeup tutorial 
Wearing:             A little grey polo neck crop top from Topshop Black primark skater skirt and black tights                                  
 and have my Monki jumper next to me.


Want Children:                         Yes
Want to be married:                  I'd like that yes
Careers in mind:                        Definitely being a writer or something to do with history
Where do you want to live?       London or Scotland, I'm really not sure

Do you believe in:

God:                              I'm undecided
Miracles:                        In a way, I've never really thought about it I think the world and life it's self is in              
some way too mysterious for me to completely decide what I believe
Love at first sight:           I'd believe it if it happened to me
Ghosts:                          I do in a way, I wouldn't rule out their existence completely
Aliens:                           Somehow not as appealing as ghosts but I do believe there must be other life in the
universe somewhere
Soul Mates:                   I think soul mates creates a vision of perfection and I don't think relationships are
Heaven:                         I think heaven is a comforting thing and in a way it's something I'm hopeful about
Hell:                              Something I'm not quite so hopeful about and I feel is as heaven is comforting hell
is a way to belittle and scare people into believing something.
Kissing on the first date: If you want to!
Yourself:                       I know I'm quite a strong person and although I can be down about myself I do 
believe in myself


  1. Hi Megan! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! :) (I thought I would reply to you here as you'd be more likely to see it!) What you said was so sweet (not creepy at all!) I think it might even be my favourite comment I've ever received! :) x

    1. Hi! My name's actually Alice but megan is fine ;) Thank you so much for replying and on my blog that's so lovely of you! I'm so glad about that, really, I never thought one of my weird comments would be someone's favourite so thankyou again! x
