Wednesday 25 July 2012

Just a little post about life

I've not been too great at all with blogging lately, due to being quite ill and hopefully (fingers crossed I'm not jinxing myself here) I'll feel a lot better soon, preferably I'll be fine for the long coach journey to the cruise on friday (even the thought makes me feel a bit sick).

My nan brought over my camera today for us to take on holiday so I thought I'd just take a few pictures for my blog. They aren't about makeup beauty or anything like that they're just really pictures of my house and things that sort of express who I am. As well as my clothes for my holiday! enjoy.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

How I'd style a recent Asos purchase

How I'd style an asos dress

Yesterday I purchased this dress for my upcoming holiday and I thought I'd do yet another Polyvore post just to show how I'm planning to accessorize it. The only thing I actually own out of the items shown here are the lipstick which I think will be a beautiful contrast to the vibrant yellow, however I do have similar shoes earrings and a bag to wear with the dress. I plan to wear this outfit at night during my holiday hopefully with a tan! I can't wait.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Polyvore: A few every day products!

A few of my every day products

As well as using Polyvore for fashion I also noticed there was an opportunity to browse beauty items so I thought I'd do a post on a few of my every day make up products. Unfortunately I couldn't include other things I use because they weren't available on Polyvore but these are probably a few of the most important things I use. I love every single product shown here and other than maybe trying another mascara I can't see my every day make up routine not including these products for a very long time. I'm looking forward to doing a post about my every day makeup products when I get a camera but until then I just thought I'd give a little insight into my favourite make up products.

A glittery nail day

I thought I'd write a little post about the nail varnish I'm wearing at the moment, I actually painted my nails last night with Essie's Ballet Slippers which was a bit of a nightmare because I am not the most patient person with nail varnish and it needs a few coats. Ballet slippers is a lovely colour though ,when you build it up, and becomes the most perfect baby pink kind of colour. (I actually bought mine in a pack of three from tkmaxx but you can buy it here for £5.95)

However, this morning after re-painting over the various smudges, I decided to add possibly my all time favourite nail varnish over the top. I'm not sure of the actual name possibly something like "iridescent pink" but it is easily recognisable if you're ever looking for it. The glitter in this nail varnish just transformed the look of my nails and made them look amazing (they're still a little messy but I feel like the glitter adds another dimension). I bought this from Superdrug for about £2.99, cheap as well.

It'd be really helpful if I actually could get a decent picture of my nails but I don't have a camera accessible to me at all at the moment, so you'll have to bear with me.

I'm not really a nail kind of person but I just can't resist anything with glitter and I really think it's a stunning combination.

Monday 16 July 2012

Polyvore: A Summer evening

Summer evening

I really love Polyvore and just thought It might be interesting to post an outfit I've put together, featuring my favourite perfume Stella summer rose, and one of my favourite people/artists ever Eliza Doolittle, the rest are things I don't actually own but are the sort of things I'd usually go for if I was shopping. I went with a sort of deep berry theme, for something suitable for a warm summer evening (I'm wishing a little here).

A very rainy day (emphasis on the very)

                        So lately in England it has never ceased to rain, and I am not really that bothered about rain but it has been relentless and this is supposed to be summer? Anyway I can't really complain because soon I'll be off holiday with the sunshine, and the sunshine, and really I am just very excited about the sunshine.

If you've not noticed I have no idea where this post is going except it is a post about rain which obviously is a very interesting subject. I did actually venture out today (thinking that it wouldn't be too rainy as it's not been that bad lately) but no, I was wrong. I actually went to Bakewell with my Grandmother and Auntie but we didn't end up staying there long because of the terrible weather.

Anyway, rubbish about weather over now, I'm actually quite looking forward to writing a few posts about beauty and style and things like that but until I get a decent camera (or a decent camera charger for my average camera) I don't really have the ability to take some nice pictures for my blog so that'll have to wait a little while.

here's a song I like which is aptly named "rain".

Sunday 15 July 2012

Get to know me tag!

Now I've started writing posts I can't seem to stop myself so I thought a good place to start was a get to know me tag because as of yet nothing on my blog really portrays any facts about me.

I was reading through a few of Meg's old posts as I really love her blog and I stumbled upon these questions, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Vital Stats:

Name:             Alice Louise Fletcher
Nicknames:     Al or Ally, I usually just get called Alice
Birthday:          5 th October
Place of Birth:  Chesterfield
Zodiac Sign:     Libra
Occupation:     Un-employed. (part time education)


Hair colour:     Browny red
Hair Length:    Just at the chest area, I wear extensions just to lengthen a little (grow please!)
Eye colour:     Grey Blue/ sometimes with a bit of green
Best Feature:   I don't know if this is face but if it was I'd have to say something like eyelashes but if It was
body I quite like my collar bones.
Braces:           When I was about 11 or less
Piercings:         Just my ears
Tattoos:           Too young at the moment
Righty or lefty:  Righty


Best friend:     Amelia
Award:          An award for creative writing in Year three
Sport:             I'm not sporty at all, but netball and badminton are alright!
Real Holiday: Good old Benidorm in Year two! (haven't as of yet had a real holiday on my own)
Concert:         Paramore


Film:             Can't actually say that I have a favourite film which is a shame
Tv Show:      I like snog marry avoid and my guilty pleasure is big brother but I don't really watch much tv
Colour:         Light pastel pink
Song:            Empty Hand by Eliza Doolittle
Restaurant:    I don't actually go to restaurants!
Store:            Zara, every time
Book:           Wuthering Heights
Magazine:     Marie Claire
Shoes:          My black wedges from Next oh my god


Feeling:               Full
Single or taken:   Single
Eating:                Just ate a sunday roast!
Listening to:        Our day will come- Amy Winehouse
Thinking about:   How much I'm enjoying writing on my blog
Watching:           This makeup tutorial 
Wearing:             A little grey polo neck crop top from Topshop Black primark skater skirt and black tights                                  
 and have my Monki jumper next to me.


Want Children:                         Yes
Want to be married:                  I'd like that yes
Careers in mind:                        Definitely being a writer or something to do with history
Where do you want to live?       London or Scotland, I'm really not sure

Do you believe in:

God:                              I'm undecided
Miracles:                        In a way, I've never really thought about it I think the world and life it's self is in              
some way too mysterious for me to completely decide what I believe
Love at first sight:           I'd believe it if it happened to me
Ghosts:                          I do in a way, I wouldn't rule out their existence completely
Aliens:                           Somehow not as appealing as ghosts but I do believe there must be other life in the
universe somewhere
Soul Mates:                   I think soul mates creates a vision of perfection and I don't think relationships are
Heaven:                         I think heaven is a comforting thing and in a way it's something I'm hopeful about
Hell:                              Something I'm not quite so hopeful about and I feel is as heaven is comforting hell
is a way to belittle and scare people into believing something.
Kissing on the first date: If you want to!
Yourself:                       I know I'm quite a strong person and although I can be down about myself I do 
believe in myself

10 things to cheer me up! -Part 2

9) My family are hugely supportive and lovely people, who all have their own problems but I think are incredibly strong. A few members of my family have suffered/ are suffering with ill health and It's inspiring to know how brave they are and I'm glad that at the moment everyone seems to be coping well.

and finally

10) I suppose this is a thing to look forward to, but I really want to/ am a little, getting back into reading and remembering how happy it makes me and how comforting it is. I'm currently reading Wuthering Heights, and honestly I could go on and on about how amazingly I am inspired and in awe of the Bronte's. But as well as the bronte books, (which I adore and think I'll always go back to re-read) I'm looking forward to finding new books and finding out what I really like to read instead of sticking to the same sort of things. I'm looking forward to reading Amy my daughter, because I'm a huge fan of Amy Winehouse. Another thing I've loved recently is listening to her music, especially this song.

And that's all! It's really nice to write down happy things instead of dwelling on things that are a bit rubbish and I think I'll have to do it a bit more often.

10 things to cheer me up: Part 1!

Okay, so recently I've been a little down (well not recently, it's verging on a very long time) but in the past two weeks I have suffered with two bouts of food poisoning which have basically made me feel very rubbish and subsequently (or as I have found out today) made me loose a bit of weight. So I thought instead of contemplating the rubbish happenings in my life I'd be positive and think about all the good things/ things I need to look forward too.

1) The first thing I think of is in fact this blog itself, I'm really excited about writing a blog, and although I have no experience writing blogs (unless you count a few childish failures) I think it'll be fun to be able to put effort into something like this. I'm quite optimistic about it, and hopefully I can regularly write posts.

2) Quite soon I'm going on holiday on a cruise with my grandmother to the Mediterranean, and when I mean soon I mean soon. In like a week. At the moment I'm just hoping I'll be healthy enough not to feel completely worried about the travelling and everything, but I know it's going to be amazing. I've only ever been on holiday to Spain never mind on a cruise, and I'm bloody excited. It's going to be heaven (though I don't know how happy I am about loosing my new found love of pale-ness, why not embrace it?).

3) I've got so many lovely and new clothes for my holiday and although I'm not allowed to wear them as they're being saved for holiday they are just beautifull and I am incredibly lucky that I have such a caring and giving family who buy me such lovely things. We took advantage of the sales, and brought some amazing things. (I know it's not clothes but I bought the most beautiful beautiful wedges ever in the entire world from Next).

4) Recently a girl on tumblr started talking to me and It's made me very happy to know I have at least one person to talk to if I'm not feeling that great or just want to discuss things that are happening, what books we're reading and stuff like that. It's just nice to talk to a new person and get to know them.

5) After receiving an email about the Illamasqua sale I was straight to the site, and looking through what I could save buying in the sale, I was very impressed. (I think the Illamasqua sale is still on). I then went on to order two eyeliners, a body oil type hilighter-y thing, a kabuki brush, a foundation and a blending brush all considerably cheaper than if I have bought them at retail price. Unfortunately I think I may have made the categorical mistake of ordering it twice (Oh god) so if so I will be giving some to my mum for her birthday and obviously my Grandmother who Is very kind and generous.

6) Another order! This time Boots, just for the essential things I need for my holiday (as well as two treats spent with points). A cooling spray to make sure I don't die in the heat, Two liquid eyeliners (one half price) just because I am dangerously close to running out of my current one, A posh mascara (for evenings) And a Real Techniques Brush set (as mine is a year old and pretty much ruined). With the points I got myself the Dr Jart BB cream which I've heard a lot about and seen as it supposedly adapts to your skin colour I'm going to be glad of it when my skins changing colour due to being tanned, and a Collection 2000 powder just for the sake of I don't want my face to drip off in the heat.

7) Ok I'm struggling a bit to think of things now but It just occurred to me something I am going to be very glad of. Unfortunately our fridge and freezer were not working sufficiently at all and consequently food poisoning occurred. We've now got new ones and hopefully, (i repeat hopefully) I wont be eating anything dodgy from now on and my health (even usually a bit crappy) will be a lot better. Such a weird one, but still it makes sense to me.

8) Upcoming orders! My mum's agreed to buy a few last little things I need for the holiday and I'm very excited about getting those things just so I'll be completely ready (and a little tanned) for my holiday!

(this will be continued in a second post)

First Post

I really don't know what I aim to achieve with this blog, other than I hope it'll be a sort of comfort and something for me to feel happy and proud about. Writing a blog about beauty products and that sort of thing is appealing to me but I think as well as that It'll be nice for me to just write whatever I'm enjoying at that moment and if my blog is filled with positive things it might help to cheer me up on those days when things aren't so great. 
And that's all really!

(A picture I took at Howarth a while ago that I think will look quite nice placed here)
