Tuesday 14 August 2012

Back from holiday!

I've just (well I actually got back on Sunday but we'll refer to it as just) got back from a lovely cruise with my Grandmother. I really really enjoyed it, with the exception of being a bit poorly on the last evening, which didn't put me in such good spirits for the long journey back. But it really was lovely. I didn't get the tan I anticipated but I think I have got a hint of colour, which is a nice change from the usual pure white. We travelled round the Mediterranean, visiting places like Venice, Gibraltar, Greece, Portugal and a few others I'm struggling to remember. The food was lovely, and it was just as a whole very enjoyable and definitely relaxing. I'm hoping to write an upcoming post about a few things I bought on holiday as well as my pictures from the holiday as soon as I get my camera back, As my nan is taking it to a shop to print out all of the pictures. I should have it back soon though, ready for my trip to Howarth this weekend which I'm really excited about. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and have hopes to buy a book for my friend as I really think she'd love it. So yeah that's basically it, bear with me for the moment!

And have a little listen to this song, I adore it.

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